I've become that girl.
That girl who really wants a solid relationship with someone but who is totally unwilling to put a significant amount of time or effort into making it happen.
I'm the girl who goes on like one date with someone and then doesn't return phone calls afterwards. *cringe* I hate those girls!
It's just that I'm so busy! I have so much to do. And see. And experience. I feel like I don't have time to catch someone up to speed on who I am or why I function the way I function. Get this: I went on a date with this guy recently and had a fairly nice time. But when it came time to plan for a second date, I simply kept not finding the time to fit it into my schedule. Which of course begat questions from him. But because I was so uninterested in trying to explain all the weird details about my life, I just told him to google "enneagram type 7" and read the personality profile that came up. Then I told him that I was scattered, undisciplined, and over-extended. And believe it or not, he still asked if he could go on another date with me. What!
Here are the things I like: options, newness, and constant stimulation. Which is why I love first dates!! No one else like first dates, but I love them. ...I just don't like second dates, because they aren't as new as first ones. "I've already met you and know your dog's name. Time for a new stranger!!"
I know it makes no sense. It makes absolutely no sense that my favorite dates are first dates, but that I also really want a long-term, stable relationship. But I guess that just fits into my "I like options" statement from above.
That is because you make it as exciting as a first date every date, and you simply haven't met another who matches that.