Yet I am still surprised whenever it occurs.
I regularly find myself searching so fervently for something. So fervently... and so infuriatingly unsuccessfully.
So then I throw my hands up in frustration at my lack of progress, curse whatever it is that I'm looking for, and claim to give up my search completely. And I do. I give up my search completely and become gloomily apathetic.
Manifesting patience to manifest contentment,
M |
And then -- almost immediately -- it manifests. It will have been under my nose the whole time, within easy reach, but somehow completely invisible. How do I miss it? I miss it every time. Until, of course, I give up on looking for it. And then there it is, amazingly. It was there the whole time, just waiting on me to relax, open my eyes, and let it simply BE, instead of BE DISCOVERED by my impatient heart.
Listen, people, listen/ Lift your hearts to God
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