Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Before you make an ass of yourself...

When you argue with me (or anyone), I don't mind if you have a different opinion.  However, I do mind if you have clearly not researched what you are saying.  

Do we really think that there is no such thing as racism anymore?  Or that if there is, do we think it's not actually a product of generation upon generation of social conditioning set in place by our forefathers who based an entire country, an entire economy on slavery?  Is this really what we think?  Oh, it is?  Aw, okay.  You simply exhibit a really bad case of White Privilege.  Oh, you don't know what that is?  That's alright.  If you knew what White Privilege was, you wouldn't be exhibiting it, because it's fucking disgusting.  

Once you are actually educated about what racism is, where it comes from, and why it exists, then we can continue the argument.  Until then, for your own sake, make an effort not to voice your really ignorant opinion.  Because otherwise you will end up looking like a big, douchy, uneducated, white privileged, racist-but-too-thick-skulled-to-be-aware-of-it, asshole.  Kind of like this girl:

For the love of all things pure and holy.  READ A FUCKING BOOK.  Or at least a Wikipedia entry for Chrissake.

My favorite thing in the world is when people who are so utterly wrong about something insist on voicing their opinion at the top of their lungs.  Like, maybe if they talk about it louder than everyone else, then suddenly the very wrong thing that they're saying will become infallibly right.  How convenient!  I will keep that in mind the next time I am losing an argument.  I'll just speak louder than the person I'm arguing with.  Problem solved!  Man I wish I would have figured that one out years ago.

Oh, oh, here's another favorite thing of mine.  When someone is so mind-blowingly stubborn, that they refuse to see the truth in an argument even when it's staring at them in the face.  And if they do choose to see it, they accept it in such a begrudging manner that it's really almost embarrassing.  Guilty, my friends!  I was upsettingly stubborn for a very large portion of my life.  Ironically, the Stubborn phase of my life happened to coincide almost flawlessly with my White Privilege phase.  Thank God I didn't post a damn youtube video.  However, I can certainly recall with a stinging poignancy several things that I did or said out loud that I'd be more than happy to take back today.

Now.  If everyone would just buy a plane ticket to somewhere they've never been, we'd all be living in a happier world.

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