Thursday, December 8, 2011


Thought I'd actually made it past my stage of breaking down into regular existential crises at work, and had instead moved on into a dull and consistent state of pure depression.  But, based on the fact that I just burst into tears at my desk due to a swift kick in the ass (in the form of a text message) from a fellow resource conservationist... apparently not!  Damn.  I was so comfortable in my state of depression.  It was, well, depressing... but at least it was consistent.  And consistency is something I have very little of in my life, so I am happy to get it when I can.  Even in the form of depression.  On the upside, having an existential crisis is proof that I'm still alive.  I'd actually begun to believe for the past few months that I was dead.  Or at least a sick reanimated life form. But Hallelujah, I'm alive, and in full-swing existential crisis mode!  Don't mistake that enthusiastic exclamation point as sarcasm, now.  I am quite happy to know that my heart is beating of its own lovely accord, and not because I'm being fueled by a deadening sort of liquified money.

Time for Girl Talk.  Then beer!  And then resumeeees.  More resumes!