Monday, August 1, 2011

The recurring fail.

I only seem to go to bed with my makeup on when I'm either too drunk or too depressed to wash it off.  Either way, I wake up with mascara stains on my pillow, so the end result is the same for either of the initial states-of-being.

I maintain a love-hate relationship with my bed.  Which is kinda shitty.  I'd really like for it to be a place of neutrality.  I think I need to rearrange my bedroom in such a way that the energy flow is more suitable for sleeping.  Then maybe I'll be more inspired to wash off my makeup before I got to bed, instead of collapsing into a heap of utter failure at midnight and leaking mascara onto my egyptian cotton pillowcases.

1 comment:

  1. washing my face and taking out my contacts are my LEAST favorite daily activities. It can take me several hours to work up the motivation to do it. I don't know why... (also, 7's unite! it must have something to do with it)
